• 25 февраля 2018, воскресенье
  • Москва, Stromynka street, 6 (Sokolniki metro station), at the doors of the Roman Viktyuk Theatre

The Rusakov Workers' Club

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Москва глазами инженера
2252 дня назад
25 февраля 2018, начало в 14:00
Stromynka street, 6 (Sokolniki metro station), at the doors of the Roman Viktyuk Theatre

A house shaped like a giant gear-wheel with movable inner walls… Sounds like science fiction? Well, it’s not! The Rusakov Workers’ Club in Sokolinki, currently the home to Roman Viktyuk Theatre is an emblematic example of constructivism. It was commissioned by Municipal Workers Union and designed in 1929 by Konstantin Melnikov, a prominent Soviet architect. Today it is famous all around the world, and Melnikov’s idea of transformable spaces is widely used by contemporary architects.

You will see:

  • the stage of the Roman Viktyuk Theatre that is now hosted by the club;
  • the auditorium with the traces of the “movable walls”;
  • the Theatre’s office premises.


You will learn:

  • what the movable walls serve for and how they are set in motion;
  • why the galleries are situated in the special cantilevered sections;
  • what was the idea behind the club’s peculiar shape;
  • what the origins of the avant-garde architecture were and how to recognize its defining features.


Meeting point: Stromynka street, 6 (Sokolniki metro station), at the doors of the Roman Viktyuk Theatre


Duration: 1,5 hours


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