• 26 November 2017, Sunday
  • Moscow, Novinsky boulevard, 25 k1 At the entrance to the House of Narkomfin

The House of Utopia: A journey into the House of Narkomfin

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Москва глазами инженера
2630 дней назад
26 November 2017 c 16:30 до 18:00
Novinsky boulevard, 25 k1 At the entrance to the House of Narkomfin

The educational project "Moscow Through the Engineer’s Eyes" launches tours to the famous House of Narkomfin. It is a world-famous piece of the Soviet avant-garde architecture, intended to teach Soviet citizens how to live in a socialist utopia. You will see famous cell types F and K, and visit the first Soviet "penthouse.”

Background:  At the end of the 1920s, Soviet architects were working hard to organize a new socialist housing lifestyle. One of the leaders of constructivism architecture, Moisei Ginzburg, invented this transitional housing type with its innovative living cells.  Ginzburg was able to save on cost without sacrificing space.


In these very compact two-level cells there is minimal living space; however, a person could define his or her own private area. The house had well-developed infrastructure, complete with a canteen, gym, and club. It was supposed to be transitional, from individual housing to communal houses.


Narkomfin’s building architecture and layout, and its rich history has made it famous worldwide! On our "House of Utopia: a journey into the House of Narkomfin" tour you will:

  • Learn more about Soviet avant-garde and constructivism architecture;

  • Understand the history of Soviet communal houses and transitional houses;

  • View the famous type F cell, a very economical, duplex apartment

  • Examine the first Soviet "penthouse:" Nicholay Milutin’s rooftop apartment;

  • Learn about the fate of the house and plans for its reconstruction


Where: At the entrance to the HouseofNarkomfin (Novinskiy boulevard 25-1) 

Duration: 1.5 hours


Price: 1500 rubles: Advance ticket purchase required!

Group size: strictly limited to 15 people!




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