• 14 May 2017, Sunday
  • Moscow, Проспект Мира 119. after the Central Entrance gates of VDNKH, inside the exhibitions

VDNKh. All Russia in One Exhibition.

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Москва глазами инженера
2854 дня назад
14 May 2017, начало в 17:00
Проспект Мира 119. after the Central Entrance gates of VDNKH, inside the exhibitions

There is a unique monument in Moscow, a symbol of the power of the Soviet regime, — All-Union People Economy Exhibition, or VDNKh. Opened in 1939, and renovated numerously under Stalin, Khruschev and today, it is considered a theme park of Russian history of the last century.


During our “VDNKh. All Russia in One Exhibition” tour you will discover:

  • How thin ithe ‘skin’ of the Worker and Kolhoz Woman is. (The most famous Soviet sculpture in the world)
  • What the system of VDNKh undergrounds looks like
  • What is inside the famous fountain ‘The Friendship of Nations’
  • How the exhibition changed after the fall of USSR and what’s happening there now

Duration: 2 hours

Meeting point: after the Central Entrance gates of VDNKH, inside the exhibitions 




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